
This file contains the changelog for the project.

0.4.0 (unreleased)

  • Updates Django support, removing 1.x support
  • Updates Python support, removing 2.x support
  • Updated CLDR data to v37
  • Updated IBAN data, renaming Nordea extensions to experimental countries (based off SWIFT list)
  • Updated VAT data, fixing the validation for Dutch VAT numbers
  • Added a language field

0.3.1 (2017-01-28)

  • Fix Django 1.11 bug in the SortedSelect widget. This affects the sorting of optgroups for all versions, they are now always sorted above other choices.
  • Updated CLDR data from v29 to v30.0.3
  • timezone: Add Metazone fields, but it is not sorted yet properly :).
  • vat_number: Additional cleanup for CH VAT numbers and validation for RU VAT numbers
  • names: Add two utilties for joining and splitting (parts of) names. It is best-effort, and not intended to be more than that.

0.3.0 (2016-08-20)

  • Fixes a Django 1.10 bug (I fixed it before, but it never made it into a release…)
  • Updated CLDR and IBAN data. Note: UA got an official IBAN, so this means the Nordea alternative got dropped (SC also got a IBAN, but it was never in the Nordea set).

0.2.1 (2015-02-09)

  • Fixes a Python 3 bug discovered when releasing 0.2.0

0.2.0 (2015-02-09)

  • vat_number and iban: Some consistency issues resolved; changed argument order and include_countries is now simply countries.
  • vat_number: Do not imply eu_only when using vies_check.
  • vat_number: Fallback to a native check if suds is not available.

0.1.2 (2014-12-18)

  • Important packaging fixes

0.1.1 (2014-12-08)

  • iban: Added support for IBANs from Kosovo and Timor-Leste, and Nordea extensions from Republic of Congo, Egypt and Gabon.

0.1 (2014-12-01)

  • Initial release
  • Added modules countries, iban, timezone and vat_number