
This module contains some utilities for storing names. It is not a one-size-fits-all solution, as it is simply not possible to capture all the world’s name formats in a single module.


internationalflavor.names.utils.split_name(name, scheme=None, **kwargs)

Splits a name in several parts. Useful for when you are working with applications that store names in separate parts, and with applications that don’t.

This utility method works on several schemes, the default being None, simply splitting a name. The result depends on the scheme you choose. Additionally, you can specify whether you want honorific titles returned. This is not supported by all schemes.


There is no fool-proof method to split names that works in all edge cases correctly. If you need to have names split, simply ask them to be entered in split form. This method is best-effort only and provides the guarantee that it will make mistakes.

A scheme may support additional arguments, these are specified below.

The following schemes are supported:

  • None : split a name in two parts, simply splitting on the first whitespace, ignoring honorific titles etc.

    returns a tuple of (first_name, last_name), when the name can not be split, it is put in the last_name.

    extra kwarg: long_first : if set, a long first name is preferred over a long last name.

  • NL : split a name in three parts, splitting including the Dutch ‘voorvoegsel’ or ‘tussenvoegsel’,

    ignores honorific titles etc. When no such voorvoegsel exists, it falls back to the None scheme.

Using stalemate you can set whether you prefer longer first names or longer last names.


Joins a name. This is the inverse of split_name, but x == join_name(split_name(x)) does not necessarily hold.

Joining a name may also be subject to different schemes, but the most basic implementation is just joining all parts with a space.